Crazy Helix Touch官方下载游戏攻略
This is a spiral jumping ball game, super easy to play and quite interesting, spell bounding the users.Crazy Helix Touch is also being used as a concentration improvement tool by millions of gamers already, apart from the gaming experience it provides. The objective while playing is to get your bouncing ball downwards through the spiral, crossing the steps by escaping er step it via jumping from one step to another by rotating spiral. This game will make you forget time and surroundings, Crazy Helix Touch is one of the most interesting new game of the year 2018! So what are you waiting for? Come and have an enthralling experience with gravity pulling you down at fascinating speeds. A good way to show off your skills!!
How to Play:
✓ Playing this ball jumping game is thrilling and full of fun.
✓ Your main aim in this bounce ball game is to bring the ball down earning maximum points in every go.
✓ You travel down by moving through escape points in the spiral shelves where they are turning in reverse order.
✓ The spiral can be rotated in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions by horizontal movements of finger on the screen.
✓ Danger planks must be avoided at any cost as they lead to “Game Over”
✓ And an additional bonus is that there are no time as much as you want.
✓ You have to avoid all obstacles while moving your way down.
✓ The goal of the game is to earn maximum score possible.
休闲手游《迪士尼Touch Touch》已结开放下载,包括iOS(日服App Store)以及Android平台(Google Play)。
由迪士尼授权、韩国游戏厂商Nexon打造的休闲手游《迪士尼Touch Touch》(ディズニー タッチタッチ)日前正式登陆iOS/安卓双平台,该作以迪士尼作品的著名场景为基础,玩家将与米老鼠一起使用魔法铅笔把被不可思议的飓风搞乱的图书馆内的书籍修正过来。
在《迪士尼Touch Touch》这款游戏中,除了左右并排的两幅画找不同的玩法之外,还有把分开的图画的碎片旋转回原状的“旋转”模式,和把插...
玩家可以在一场战斗中带领自己的4个武将,并且邀请1个好友的队长武将一起作战。 【武将强化】 ...