Ping Pong Pro VR (Google Cardboard)官方下载游戏攻略
Elegant environment, stunning graphics and retro audio effects will make you relive one of the most popular and loved classic arcade game. Ping Pong Pro VR game can be played in Virtual Reality Mode (using a Google Cardboard like Headset) or in Normal Mode without any VR headset.
★ High quality and immersive environment
★ No controller required
★ Compatible with most of the Google Cardboard like Virtual Reality Headsets
★ Can be played without a VR Headset
★ Control the game using your artphone’s built-in gyroscope
★ No internet connection required
- In Virtual Reality (VR) Mode:
★ Use VR gaze pointer/cursor to select the desired Menu option
★ Press Play to launch the ball
★ Move your head left or right to control the paddle
★ Look straight down to recenter
- In Normal (Non VR) Mode:
★ Click to select the desired Menu option
★ Press Play to launch the ball
★ Move your artphone left or right to control the paddle
1月17日0点,历时近一个月的大朋VR一体机M2 Pro众筹活动正式结束。本次众筹活动,得到了来自朋客们的热烈支持,众筹不到三天即完成众筹目标。最终,M2 Pro共获得923750元众筹款,项目完成度达到923%!
M2 Pro作为一体机M2的重磅升级产品,在公布众筹信息后便得到了广泛关注。过去一个月,有许许多多大朋的新老朋友参与了M2 Pro的众筹活动、以旧换新活动和“1元体验官...
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