Aether Addon MCPE官方下载游戏攻略
The Aether is another dimension and to get there you need to build an Aether Portal. (And since it replaces the End you can also just find a stronghold which contains a portal room if you find that easier).
To build the portal you will need 12 Aether Portal blocks and 12 Aether Portal Keys. (Follow this guide to learn how to build one.)
Make sure to bring night vision potions, weapons, armor and maybe a poison dart shooter (bow and arrows) as everything you will find there will be hostile.
(Make sure to drink a potion of night vision!)
The Aethermen are tall, slender people who bear a golden crown on their head. They are the servants of the Aether Dragon who will fly over the area and protect its interests.
The Aether Dragon is vicious monster which shoots wind balls at its enemies. It causes a lingering effect of Aether’s Breath.
Lots of experience awaits anyone who is brave and skillful enough to defeat the Aether Dragon. It is fought similarly to the Ender Dragon. Begin by destroying the Aether Crystals and then kill the dragon.
How to retrieve the custom items?
You can obtain the items either by killing Aether mobs or by typing the following text command: /give yellow_flower (amount) (1-7 data)
无畏dauntless是一款多人在线共斗游戏,玩法上类似怪物猎人,很多玩家都对这款游戏感兴趣。那么,本次我就给大家带来无畏dauntless额外属性Aether Aspect介绍,一起来了解一下吧!
Aether Aspect 以太形态 (增强猎人的灯的能力)