XXXTentacion Piano Tiles Magic官方下载游戏攻略
XXXTentacion Piano Tiles Magic is a piano game developed for everyone. This game is suitable to be played anywhere and anytime to fill your free time.
Game Features:
- There are many choices of songs that can be played.
- Has two Game Modes, namely: Normal Mode and Bomb Mode.
List songs on this game:
- Moonlight
- Sad
- I do not Wanna Do This Anymore
- Jocelyn Flores
- Revenge
- Teeth
The song will continue to be updated
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XXXTentacion Piano Magic Tiles is an unofficial application.
Not affiliated or endorsed by XXXTentacion or record labels. This game is for entertainment only.
2月24日消息,据国外媒体报道,位于旧金山的初创游戏工作室Magic Fuel近日获得了240万美元融资,投资方是中国知名游戏公司西山居。
“在Magic Fuel,我们的任务是为全世界玩家提供创新的、富有吸引力的游戏体验。”这家公司的首席执行官凯文•夏普雷尔(Kevin Shrapnell)说。“通过与西山居合作,我们能够更深入地了解极其重要的中国游戏市场。与此同时,西山居的经验和...
据知情人士透露,神秘增强现实公司Magic Leap已经完成C轮融资,融资额度达8.27亿美元。Magic Leap计划在未来数日内开始新一轮融资,但该公司拒绝对此置评。
Magic Leap公司总部位于美国佛罗里达州,此前已经从谷歌和其他投资者处获得超过5亿美元投资。据说其最新C轮融资额度至少8.27亿美元,业内人士认为其融资额可能比这个数字更高。
完成C轮融资后,Magic Leap的...