Chapayev Strike 3D官方下载游戏攻略
Classic Chapayev checkers is a board game, the aim of which is to knock the opponent's pieces out from the checkerboard. In Chapayev Strike 3D, besides the classic game, there are several other modes.
Classic Game - In different game levels, you command different types of troops. Each level consists of several rounds in which you advance towards the enemy. When the level is completed, you proceed to the next one, where you command another type of troops, while your opponent stays at the previous one. Wins the one who first finish the last level. There is a two-player mode.
Shooting Gallery - Shooting gallery is a place where you can train. No enemies, only static structures and additional features like a laying of a bomb. Choose any level and play.
Skirmish - Skirmish is a mix of Shooting Gallery and Classic Game. As in the Shooting Gallery you can choose any level. Additional features are also available. Level consists of one round. There is a two-player mode.
DMM GAMES 近日宣布,旗下游戏新作《Ragna Strike Angels》(ラグナストライクエンジェルズ)即将在今年11月正式登陆移动平台,本作原本预计会在初夏推出。
D4Gamers旗下的游戏新作《Aero Strike》(에어로 스트라이크)即将在下个月开启封闭测试,日前官方正在韩国和美国招募封测玩家。
MG代理的《Panzer Strike》Windows版虽然是一款策略类军事游戏,但大部分时间都花费在了军事设施的培养上。大量的设施升级,所耗费的资源和时间是需要玩家来耐心等待的。而且每解锁一次设施等级的时候,都需要相应的建筑达到必要的等级和建造数量。而建造所需要的土地是有限的,毫无目的的建造只会浪费自己辛苦积攒的资源。所以《Panzer Strike》也有着极强的策略性,不仅仅体现在对战过程中。...