No-one knows, no-one knows...官方下载游戏攻略
Do I live in the Fairytale Forest? Do I eat paper in Efteling? Am I as small as a thumb?
Are you in the queue or do you have to wait a moment for your food? Play the ‘No-one knows, no-one knows...' game with your friends, family or others now! Can you guess which Efteling character you are?
How it works
- Hold your phone to your forehead and ask questions to find out who you are
- Other players are only allowed to answer with yes and no
- Did you guess? Shake your phone for a new card.
Have fun!
《No-one knows, no-one knows...官方下载》下载版本说明
《No-one knows, no-one knows...官方下载》九游是国内手机游戏下载第一门户网站,提供最新最全的
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