4Scales Political Test官方下载游戏攻略
Our application allows you to test your political views and preferences by visually displaying them on the Nolan diagram, better known as “Political Coordinates”.
This chart uses four scales to determine your position in the space of "political coordinates":
«Right» and «Left» scales determine your position in relation to such concepts as «equality» and «social justice». They constitute the horizontal axis of the «political coordinates» system.
The «Authoritarian» and «Anti-authoritarian» scales reflect your attitude to state power, control over your personality and the political sphere of society. They constitute the vertical axis of the system of political coordinates.
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《Brain Test:谜题急转弯》是一个关卡非常多的益智类游戏,相信各位玩家一定会被一些问题给难住。不要着急。这里小编为大家带来的就是《Brain Test:谜题急转弯》第102关的攻略答案,还不知道怎么过的小伙伴快来看看吧!
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《Brain Test:谜题急转弯》第102关:
《Brain Test:谜题急转弯》是一个关卡非常多的益智类游戏,相信各位玩家一定会被一些问题给难住。不要着急。这里小编为大家带来的就是《Brain Test:谜题急转弯》第89关的攻略答案,还不知道怎么过的小伙伴快来看看吧!
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《Brain Test:谜题急转弯》第89关: