Yatzy 3D Deluxe官方下载游戏攻略
Yatzy Deluxe 3D is a combination of real physics in a 3D simulation, Strategy, Luck and Customization.
PLAY and analyze all the possibilities to get the best score possible. The gameplay is made as easy and straight forward as possible. With the use of real-world physics and 3D throwing dice the game is engaging and fun to play. The build-in SLOW-MOTION feature brings more excitement to the table as it kicks in when you are only one dice away from throwing a Yatzy.
CUSTOMIZATION is a huge part of Yatzy Deluxe 3D. You’ll earn “Money” with every game played which can be used to unlock colors for your dice. You can unlock up to 14 different colors for your dice including special colors which can only be obtained with “Tokens” you’ll earn from throwing Yatzy.
Yatzy is a 13-round game. Each round you can roll five dice up to three times to achieve one of the 13 combinations. Each combination must be done once and only once. The objective is to achieve the highest score possible at the end of the game.
A more detailed explanation of how the scoring works can be found in-game.
More features to come in my next update!
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