Air escape save your airplane from missile官方下载游戏攻略
Air escape is a fast-paced game about airplane in which you need to save your air plane from the missiles from destroying you.
In Air escape consider that you are a commander of airplane and being a commander of plane you need to save it from enemy missiles which are being fired for your plane. You are to controller of plane and control your airplane from crash with missiles by just distracting them form catching your plan. Feel the commander or pilot of airplane to survive in state of war.
Game Control
Control of the game is very simple, you have a joystick to control the air plane in center bottom of the screen. just touch and drag the joystick handle to control the plane.
日本coly日前公布将推出旗下女性向手游第三弹《On Air!(オン・エア!)》,并公开了游戏官网及Twitter。游戏预计于今年春季推出。
在《On Air!》中,玩家扮演的是在动漫游戏产业繁华的艺术之街——十王子,位于丘之上的名门学校宝石之丘学园的一名特待生。作为特待生入校的你正在憧憬闪闪发亮的新生活,这时却突然迎来废校的危机;向你指派的地狱任务,竟然是重振这所名门高校!玩家需要将璞玉般...
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2014年1月18日0:00 - 2014年2月8日24:00
日本游戏厂商coly推出的女性向手游新作《On Air!》(オン・エア!)近日正式公布,这是一款以明星声优养成为题材的作品,预计今年春天推出,官方网站及Twitter已同步公开。