Memory Trace - Memory games官方下载游戏攻略
Memory trace is a collection of three fun memory games. Memory Trace, Memory Stack and Memory Match. All games are absolutely free.
Memory Trace:
Memory Trace is a brain game based on image sorting. Player sorts the images by choosing images one by one which was displayed on the screen and then the screen gets rearranged and player needs to sort the images in the same order again.
A fun addictive sorting game to test and improve your memory skills. A brain game to exercise your brain for both kids and adults.
Game modes in memory trace:
Fun Play mode :-
- Player chooses one of the image collection and the number of images to remember from the 12 image set.
- Screen always displays 12 images and once player sorts the number of images , images are rearranged on screen and the player needs to sort the images in the same order as earlier.
- This mode is a brain training / Memory exercise mode where player can improve their memory skills and choose the number to trace based on their comfort level.
Easy, Hard and Challenge modes:-
- Multilevel modes where game difficulty and number of images increases with the level and player needs to complete each level within specified time limit
- This brain Game offer rewards and scores based on performance
- More variety of collection of images than in Fun Play mode.
- Great way to challenge your memory skills
- Easy Hard and Challenge mode differs in time limit and difficulty
Memory Match::
- Fun memory match game where a collection of pairs are hidden on screen and player needs to match the pair.
- Memory match game is Time limited
- Three different modes are available Easy, Hard and Challenge
- This memory game offer rewards and scores based on performance
- Very good memory pair game for kids and families
Memory Stack::
- A brain game to challenge your memory skills.
- Images gets displayed on screen and player needs to remember the positions
- Images are cleared and player needs to position images one by one in the right position.
- Three different levels Easy, Hard and Challenge based on the number of images to memorize
- This game is a real challenge for your memory and is a real brain game.
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