S4GE Vintage Super Tactical Strategy官方下载游戏攻略
Immerse in S4GE, a turn-based Tactical Strategy game with hexagonal battlefield.
Control 4 units archetype: the mystic, the soldier, the trickster and the healer. All of them have unique skills and can be used in smart ways against enemies or to flee from dangerous situations.
In the battlefield, you will find stones, called shards. They will deal damage to units nearby and can be broken to receive power-ups. There are 14 levels in total, 12 are locked and 2 are hidden.
Complete the game with the highest score in order to unlock the last 2 levels. The progression will bring the player from levels that takes 3 minutes to finish to boss level with over 20 minutes of intense gameplay.
S4GE will Challenge your Strategy Skills
Explore a whimsical world
Enjoy a colourful fantasy world with unique style and full of magic and fantastic monsters.
Kick Everything
S4GE uses a fresh game mechanic called “KICK”, which is used to move elements around the battlefield for devastation and hilarious effects.
Master Ancient Forces
The Shards are powerful relics spread around the battlefield. Use their power to gain an edge over your enemies
小编今天为大家带来的就是用Super Pads弹奏spectre的攻略教学,还不知道要怎样进行弹奏的小伙伴们赶紧跟上小编一起来学习一下吧!
首先对于大家的支持表示万分感谢(鞠躬)。第二首是Alan Walker的spectre,非常好听的一首电音,操作节奏比较慢,简单易学,可以说比closer还要容易上手。重难点在于每个pad的衔接...
ISS Strategy Game终于要腾空出世了,新手在前期要怎么玩呢?在九游APP中可以更加方便快捷的查看到《ISS Strategy Game》最新内容,包括攻略、视频教程,想要成为一个高端的玩家达人,九游APP是你必不可少的选择,下面小编来和大家介绍一下这款游戏的玩法技巧吧。
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《ISS Strategy Game》是一个用来训练商业思维的游戏,也是一款获得过国际功能游戏大会金奖的产品。在游戏中,三支商队在市场上展开竞争,通过语言交流,吸引、留住客户,玩家在此过程中学习战略调整的方法,并且对客户目标、需求进行深刻理解。这款游戏利用3D打印模型、卡牌等物品进行游戏。《ISS Strategy Game》利用桌游能够面对面进行交流的特点,让这种模拟商战的过程变得更加真实,更好...