One 4 Piece官方下载游戏攻略
Simple guessing game for any One Piece lover! Prove Your skills by the right answers through looking at four pictures that correspond to the character. I used pictures that won't tell You the character straight away (but the first few should be obvious for any of You - One Piece fans!).
48 Levels and much more to come in free additions in the near future!
Please do share the love for "One Piece"! The more people playing this game means more levels in the future!
11月26日,《世界2》Xbox One版本将正式发布,并将携手“世界2”同IP下移动端《世界2-风暴帝国》开启各大福利活动,感恩节倾情回馈所有玩家。绑金、宝箱、银币等登录即送,充值送豪礼、宝箱打造特惠等同样诱人,更有机会在巅峰竞技中赢取价值3799元的《世界2》定制版Xbox One主机一台!
九游独家爆料,一手爆料,尽在九游。韩国游戏大厂kakao保管了旗下最新的动作RPG《ONE》(Odium Never Ends),由曾登顶韩国Appstore/Google Play双榜冠军的《Blade刀锋战记》游戏开发团队制作,先看一发唯美的预告:
PS4主机的销量在全球范围内远超Xbox One的情况人尽皆知,似乎这意味着PS4能够创造更多的消费。然而,近日一项调查却显示,XB1的用户平均消费却比PS4用户更高。
VentureBeat援引法国游戏发行商育碧(Ubisoft)的话称:“我们发现Xbox One用户的ARPU(每用户平均收入),要比PS4群体高出许多”。育碧在3季度财报中提到,平均下来每一位PS4玩家消费了1美金...