Core War官方下载游戏攻略
Core War is a free and addictive shmup/dodging game where you command the master plane to shoot off the floating planets in the space.
Not only you need to shoot as much as the planets, it’s very important to dodge them from being attacked that will immediately leads to a gameover.
During the level up, you need to upgrade your weapons. The higher the level is, the more powerful the weapon becomes. By constant upgrading, you will be experiencing increased amazing fun from creating a fullsrceen explosion.
What’s more exciting, there are random events to double/triple the gold coin rewards, and weapon enhancement, and reinforcements that helps to a quicker triumph!
It’s so easy to pick up even by one hand, yet challenging in many way to become the ultimate champion!
还在为没有紫色武器烦恼吗?还在为获得白色装备郁闷吗?这些都不是事,在《Dragon war》中,装备系统中有一个“融合”功能,把自己需要的装备进行锻造,在融合界面添加材料,当融合度满足条件后装备就会进阶,获得高大上的装备不再是梦想
彩蛋是《Rabi-Ribi》中的一种可以收集的物品,在第三个区域Island Core中就有很多彩蛋,但是彩蛋分布在地图上的各个角落,不太好找,下边就给大家带来Island Core全彩蛋位置详解,大家可以对照着地图去收集一下。
Island Core全彩蛋位置详解...
由游戏橘子所自製研发的《Core Blaze》是一款东方风格的线上动作角色扮演游戏,主要强调要提供给冒险者一个宏观的东方奇想世界。游戏中随着故事的发展,冒险者将会踏足于各个风格迥异的土地上,体验各种远古时代遗留的奇特地形,探索千年以来被歷史遗忘的文明遗蹟,跨足雪山、穿越河谷,进入深渊洞穴、千年古剎,完成一篇篇充满史诗感的冒险篇章。
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