Pa Ladybug Nr Magc Tls官方下载游戏攻略
Do you really like to play Piano Tiless? Are you really like Ladybug Song?, and then You must play this games Ladybug Piano Magic Tiles, Ladybug Piano Magic Tiles is a fanmade games dedicated for Ladybug Fans, You should have and play this games, Thera are many choices of Ladybug song, and of course we will always updated the newest song list.
Ladybug Piano Magic Tiles designed with New design style.
- Graphics and sound effects are Wonderful.
- High quality piano music audio soundtrack.
- a smooth gaming experience.
- Enjoy the games
How to play:
- Touch the tiles of piano to play the piano.
- Avoid Bomb tiles!
- Get your high scores.
- Play with your friends.
Ladybug Piano Magic Tiles Game is an unofficial fan application.
It is not affiliated with or endorsed by Ladybug, or his record label.
This app does not include any copyrighted material.
The piano melodies are arranged with individual piano notes..
For entertainment purposes only.
2. In the Rain
3. Its Ladybug
4. Cat Noir
5. Slow Piano
6. Synthesia Piano
7. Theme Song
8. .....
9. .....
10. and much more
Piano Tiles, Magic Tiles, Ladybug Piano Game, Ladybug, Ladybug Piano Tiles, Ladybug Cat Noir,
Ladybug Magic Tiles 2019, Piano Games, Cat Noir.
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