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Counter Terrorist Critical strike shoot war is a new, modern and fast paced third person shooting game of 2019, based on different missions against critical terrorist groups in a real 3D critical strike shoot war environments. Do you like to play online and offline modern strike shooting war games? We bring you the next level action packed third person shooting game having the best fast paced shooting controls of this year 2019. Modern arsenal is added for the best fast paced and most accurate shooting experience of mobile shooting games. Strike and shoot terrorists with modern weapons and don't let the terrorists attack. Fight critical battles in modern day battlefield and shoot crazy in this modern shooting counter terrorist combat strike war game. Experience the real thrill of third person shooting game. Select the best shooting weapons, Stay alert, strike terrorist waves with selected shooting weapons and win critical shooting war battles.
Counter Terrorist Critical Strike shoot Features
- Critical war missions in different 3D war environments
- Modern day smooth and fast paced third person shooting controls
- Complex war situations
- Variety of modern shooting arsenal
- Attractive war missions sound effects
- Play anytime, anywhere
血量收益主要在于人物成长、内功、装备、秘技。剩下的筋脉加成不会超过10%,占比大概在2%~10%之间,而大家很在意的人物成长其实只占10%~20%左右,加成最多的是内功,初步统计占50%,其次就是装备的血量增加。 ...
单拉:起手开盾挡,鲁莽,冲锋开怪,盾猛,毁灭和英勇打击一起按,英勇不停,盾猛好了就用,复仇好了就用,毁灭填补空挡,仇恨还不够就上一两件输出装,给SS上警戒,基本不OT。 群拉:比较难,一般冲锋,冲击波,雷霆,找一个怪,盾猛,切目标毁灭,要是冲锋开怪就冲远程的怪(法系或猎人怪)...