Ogame Client for android官方下载游戏攻略
now you can see the release note : https://release-notes.com/@jc01rho/OgameClient
supporting translate : https://poeditor.com/join/project/Ck65UNd7iX
I'm on Keep working :)
this app cannot support FACEBOOK login.
this app tested Android in Samsung Galaxy S3 ( 4.4 ) , Galaxy S7 EDGE ( 8.0 )
*** this app is NOOOOT the OFFICIAL
and this is just my hobby job. so please cheer me up. or i should just dump this app lol
just client for the Ogame webgame.
please register in official website.
(ogame.org or your language site if available.)
cannot login with facebook untill now.
cannot register from this app
개발자 연락처 :
now you can see the release note: https://release-notes.com/@jc01rho/OgameClient
supporting translate: https://poeditor.com/join/project/Ck65UNd7iX
I'm on Keep working :)
This app can not support FACEBOOK login.
this app tested Android in Samsung Galaxy S3 (4.4), Galaxy S7 EDGE (8.0)
*** this app is NOOOOT the OFFICIAL
and this is just my hobby job. so please cheer me up. or i should just dump this app lol
just client for the Ogame webgame.
please register in the official website.
(ogame.org or your language site if available.)
can not login with facebook untill now.
can not register from this app
由台湾独立游戏开发团队创意核及怡轩科技携手合作的第一款作品《欧彼兔酷跑》继于日前发布 iOS 版后,游戏的 Android 版已在今日正式在 Google Play 上市。这款免费下载的跑酷游戏题材改编自耳熟能详的童话故事「龟兔赛跑」,玩家将在游戏中扮演调皮捣蛋的欧彼兔,并试图于惊险万分的怪物公路上肆无忌惮的追撞乌龟。
治愈系真人卡牌养成游戏《H未满》,近日正式登陆 Android 系统温暖玩家的心,扮演独具慧眼的星探经纪人身分发掘埋没的茫茫人海的素人美眉,以完美的养成计画加以培育,让她们蜕变成新生代的宅男女神,立刻体验左拥右抱的畅快性福体验。
往男神等级经纪人出发 美眉手到擒来
武士大战僵尸(SAMURAI vs ZOMBIES DEFENSE)》现在已经可以下载。