Bulls and Cows - Open the Safe官方下载游戏攻略
Exercise your brain and Crack the Safe.
it is a well known fact that our brain, just like any other muscle in our body, needs to be trained and stay in shape.
Crack the Safe is a fun easy cognitive brain training app created just for that.
it is basically just an another version of the classic Bulls and Cows game.
in the safe : bulls will indicate as a green light and cows as a yellow light.
(in your log feature - bulls/green equal to O and Cows/yellow to X.)
improve your time and score and most important thing - keep your brain young and active.
general instructions :
The safe has a secret code with 4 digits. The digits must be all different.
A timer will start when you first click on the safe's keypad.
Enter your number and watch the results.
If the entered digits are in their right positions as the safe's code , they are "bulls" (Green Light or 'O')
if in different positions, they are "cows"
(Yellow Light or 'X')
Improve your skills by reducing the number of rounds (or time) to crack the safe.
• Safe's Secret number: 4253
• Your try: 1234
• The safe will return : 1 Green and 2 Yellows. (The green relates to "2", the yellows relate to "3" and "4".)
如果你是三国控,这款游戏一定不能错过,如果你是策略控,更不能错这款游戏,如果你已厌倦市场上卡牌类游戏,你可以尝试体验这款游戏,这是由OpenXLive联合发行,乐趣工坊精心打磨的全新国战策略手游《神将奇兵》,它将于今日11:00正式登陆安卓市场! 运筹帷幄,沙场点兵,逐凶蛮,灭夷族,扫清八荒,一统六合,为小伙伴们带来了一场最真实的、波澜壮阔的战争体验。