Help the frog to get some food. Dodge the predators while you catch some flies! The frog is moving by itself. Just tap the screen to change the frogs direction. You can change the look of this game in the options! There are lots of color palettes for you.
《Gulp The Flies官方中文版》下载版本说明
《Gulp The Flies官方中文版》不用小编说,很多玩家都知道最新Gulp The Flies的官方中文版很火。这是一款激动人心的小游戏,时刻在考验玩家的反应时间和判断能力,精心设计的画面和音乐元素让玩家们更加流连忘返、忘情其中。赶紧下载来玩一玩,体验体验一下吧!小编正在玩这款游戏呢!