Sic Bo Systemiphone版下载游戏攻略
The Sic Bo System is a dice-betting analytical and prediction tool developed based on complex mathematical and scientific models, applicable for the casino game of Sic Bo. It is developed:
a) To assist casino gamers to play with a logical and systematic way in order to produce consistent net winnings over the long run.
b) To help remove the element of luck and to eliminate risk due to unpredictable and emotional behaviour that may result in eventual losses.
To begin, simply follow the steps below:
1) Download and install the Sic Bo System app onto your android phone.
2) Tap the app to go to the login page. Next, tap the "Sign Up" to register for a new account. Please be reminded to read, agree and accept the "Important Information" before tapping on the "Register" button.
3) After signing up, a welcome email will be sent to your registered email address for verification. You will need to click on the link in this email in order to activate your account.
4) Once verification is done, the account set up is completed and you can then return to the app to login with your Username and Password.
5) After the successful login, please go to "User Guide" listed in the menu to learn how to use the app before engaging in the real play.
So if you are ready, let's start winning by science today!
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