ZWar1: The Great War of the Deadiphone版下载游戏攻略
Z War 1 is set in an alternate, diesel-punk history of World War 1, where the Great War never ended. The horrors of trench warfare have taken a supernatural turn.
It’s 1918, near the end of WW1, at the start of the outbreak of the Spanish flu pandemic. However, the ‘flu’ victims start to return, as ravenous undead.
A new war erupts – the living vs the dead, in the shattered wastelands and trenches, where strange gases not only kill, but reanimate the dead; otherworldly creatures stalk the haunted battlefields. A new, sinister force is at work. Someone, or something is using the undead for their own nefarious purpose.
ZWar1 is a wave based shooter / tower defence / RPG-lite, set in the highly atmospheric and evocative, diesel- punk, alternate history.
Players will experience the horror of WW1 trench warfare - mud, gas, barbed wire and death. Using 3rd and 1st person POV, the player mans a heavy machine gun, and along with their squad of soldiers, players must defend their trench / position from being overrun by and onslaught of undead troops, war machines and hideous creatures.
兵者诡道也,千变万化的阵型和默契十足的配合都是必不可少的。手游《Dragon War》数百位武将的属性各不相同,血厚攻猛的适合做先锋官,敏捷灵活的可以在中程发力,拥有辅助技能武将的最适合压阵做援护。增强型武将,往往能左右最终的战果。
《Dragon War》的武将分为勇将、影魇和机巧三大类别,勇将可攻可T,一般作为出战将使用,特别是赵云、张飞这一类甲级武将;影魇胜在速度,拥有闪避优势,攻击力一...
《Dragon War》副本大事件—巧遇刘备
刘备刘皇叔,是根正苗红的汉室皇裔,在乱世中“结三义、斩黄巾、扶汉世、立蜀汉”是三国历史中重要人物之一,也是《三国演义》的故事主线,更是我们进入《Dragon War》游戏中第一个副本的BOSS,接下来让小编带领大家一起领略皇叔的“王霸之气”!
近日,游戏开发团队11 Bit Studios宣布即将推出一款全新的移动作品《This War of Mine》,采用了众多玩家喜爱的第一人称射击,并将在3月17日举行GDC开发者大会上亮相。
游戏背景设定在一个战火连连的现代世界,游戏的视角从机甲战士转移到了寻找,你的目标就是去解救平民。《This War of Mine》有FPS的玩法,但更多的是一款惊悚的生存游戏,玩家需要根据个人的道...