Looney Bunny: Toons Run Dashiphone版下载游戏攻略
Wellcome to the Looney Bunny: Toons Run Dash game, this is the best game on Google Play for the family at this Christmas
Looney Bunny: Toons Run Dash doesn't have levels that are endless, but rather every phase is completed successfully if you manage to fulfill the objective given, such as getting home. This makes the game more agile and less frustrating, although there is a limit of lives.
In Looney Bunny: Toons Run Dash, your enemy will force you to run so you don't get caught and end the game. If you don't complete a mission, the game will take a life away from you and when you lose all of the five lives you have, you'll have to wait until you can play again
The gameplay of Looney Bunny: Toons Run Dash isn't new for those of us who are used to endless runner games. It involves using the touchscreen to move left, right and to the center of the screen, as well as to duck or jump.
- FREE download
- Fix bugs
- Easy one touch swiping control
- Full level
- Full map
Dowload for free Looney Bunny: Toons Run Dash
Wish you happy gaming !
玩过Muse Dash的小伙伴都知道,Muse Dash里面的小姐姐都需要升级来解锁,那么我们怎么快速的提升自己的等级呢?
Muse Dashv1.0
音乐 二次元
Muse Dash是一款集合跑酷以及音速的游戏,游戏中有一些隐藏成就,这些成就要怎么解锁?接下来小编为大家带来Muse Dash隐藏成就及解锁方法大全。
Muse Dash隐藏成就大全
在不击打任何一个敌人的前提下通关一个关卡。 ...
《Tower Dash》是今天上架的一款休闲小游戏,画面走节约休闲扁平化风格,甚至没有太多背景音效的它看上去十分朴素,玩法实际上也没有什么新意,通过点击屏幕来让小人左右跳跃,虽然实际上跑出绳索去拉动自己和“跳跃”有着些许区别,不过总体玩法和《Flappy Bird》《旋转直升机 Swing Copters》没有太大区别。
同所有免费休闲小游戏一样,《Tower Dash》也有着它的内购设...