Wall War Ziphone版下载游戏攻略
An endless action game of survival. Fight and help to defend your buddy Gori against hyped and fast running zombies as they're getting faster and faster overtime. Use your own ability to aim and shoot moving targets as well as in-game passive abilities to collect that will help you to gain higher score.
*Game Features*
-Free to play. Feel free to play whenever you feel bored or just want to kill time.
-Google Play services. Save your progress using your google play account and play on any android device and just sign in your account.
-Upgrade-able in game buffs. Having a tremendous skills in aim and shooting calculation is not enough. Zombies are coming faster and faster overtime. Choosing the right equipment will help you reach higher level.
-Social and Leaderboards. Share and compete with players around the globe.
Proudly developed and created by a Filipino developer.
跨次元军武对战手游《装甲联盟》7月28日11点即将开启首次渠道测试。“Cold War”来袭,在炎热的夏季带来最凉爽的军武旋风!这一次,世界因你而变。首测预约于今日正式开启,抢占先机就在此时!
【 预约有礼 虚位以待 】
《装甲联盟》为“Cold War”渠道首测出击准备,预约专题今日正式开启!各位玩家在完成预约之后即可获得专属游戏礼包一枚。除此之外,还将获得来自《装甲联盟》总议会的温馨提...
乔公长女、孙策之妻、孙权之嫂、小乔之姊,集地位、财富、智慧、美貌于一身的御姐大乔入过多少宅男的梦,收过多少艳羡的膝盖已经无法计数了。在手游《Dragon War》中,大乔是首位出场的女性角色(最初选将时挑了张郃)。和NPC简单的交流之后,大乔就成为玩家阵营中的一员。