Flappy Dancilaiphone版下载游戏攻略
Acest joc este un pamflet si trebuie tratat ca atare. Nu a fost creata pentru a instiga ura, doar pentru amuzant si distractie.
Vor urma updates uriase daca va fi apreciat jocul, content-ul este in desfasurare.
Va multumesc pentru sustinere!! Sper sa va distrati
Pentru colaborari nu ezitati sa ma contactati.
This game is a pamphlet and should be treated as such. It was not created to instigate hatred, just for fun and fun.
There will be huge updates if the game is appreciated, the content is underway.
Thank you for your support !! I hope you have fun
For collaborations do not hesitate to contact me.
Flappy Bird是一款来自越南开发者Dong Nguyen的像素风休闲游戏。游戏的玩法很简单,玩家只需要点击屏幕躲避水管即可,但是游戏的难度非常大,稍有不慎就会game over。这款游戏能拿到10分以上就是大神级玩家了,小编在挂了无数次后为大家总结了一些高分过关技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。
flappy bird技巧大全:
虐心休闲游戏《Flappy Bird》从下架已差不多一个月了,但这种极简挑战的风格仍受到开发者和玩家的青睐,至今我们在能在app store榜单看到类似Flappy Bird的身影。至于这款游戏到底有火,下面我们就用数据说话吧!
据调查,在最近进入 Apple Store 的300个类 Flappy Bird 游戏中,平均每天都会有60个这样的游戏进入 App Store (2月28日有...
曾经一夜爆红的《Flappy Bird》,曾经让无数网友深恶痛绝又欲罢不能,曾因作者压力大而下架,终于再度回归了!
或许是经不住金钱的诱惑,该游戏经过小小的优化之后,又重现上架了,并改了名字《Clappy Bird》。《Clappy Bird》已于3月14日重新上架APP Store,提供iPhone和iPad版本,经过优化之后,至少水管看起来是高清了!