Recunoaste Masina 4 Poze O Masinaiphone版下载游戏攻略
Recunoaste masina este un joc dedicat tuturor persoanelor care indragesc masinile si nu numai.
La fiecare nivel va vor aparea 4 poze care fac referire la aceeasi masina/tip de masina.
Va trebui sa raspundeti corect la toate intrebarile pentru a aduna puncte si a ajunge la ultimul nivel.
Jocul are 50 de niveluri cu o dificultate mica/medie, avand intrebari cu modele de masini cunoscute de marea majoritate.
Ideal de jucat in timpul liber alaturi de prieteni sau familie !
Succes !
Recognize the car is a game dedicated to all the people who love cars and not only.
At each level there will be 4 pictures that refer to the same car / car type.
You will have to answer all the questions correctly to collect points and reach the top level.
The game has 50 levels with a small / medium difficulty, with questions about machine models known by most.
Ideal to play in free time with friends or family!
Good luck!
Kalypso Media和Kite Games正式公布了战略游戏《突袭》系列最新作《突袭4(Sudden Strike 4)》,游戏将于2017年春季发售。
具有挑战性的有5个部分。 你必须克服恐惧取胜 收集黄金。 祝好运。