Ghiceste ManelistulQuiz Romanesciphone版下载游戏攻略
Ghiceste Manelistul - Adevaratul Test Al Cunostiintelor Muzicale
La petreceri, toti ascultam manele. Unii ascundem acest lucru, altii nu il ascund deloc.
In ambele cazuri, involuntar retinem manelisti. Tu cati cunosti ?
Cu acest joc vei afla !
Ghiceste Manelistul din imagini si testeaza-ti cunostintele din domeniul MANELELOR !
Noi nivele vor aparea saptamanal !
Momentan jocul este in dezvoltare.
Daca semnalezi orice eroare sau greseala, te rog trimite-mi un email.
Tu cati manelisti ai ghicit ?
Guess the Manelist - The True Test of Musical Knowledge
At parties, we all listen to manele. Some people hide this, others do not hide it at all.
In both cases, we involuntarily restrain the manes. How many you know?
With this game you will find out!
Guess the Picture Mantiser and test your knowledge of MANELS!
New levels will appear weekly!
The game is currently under development.
If you report any error or mistake, please send me an email.
How many manelists did you guess?