snake drogoiphone版下载游戏攻略
In this game you will be a snake. Many of other players will slither around you.
You have to survive by eliminating the opponent Snake. If other player’s snake
slither touches your head then you will be dead. So avoid them and develop yours
Snake Slither more Bigger and Better. The longer yours Snake the possibilities
of your survival will increase.
So your mission is to survive as long as possible and become a longest slither
snake in the world. Many of other players will try to compete you but it’s up to
you to survive. If you think you got enough power and sufficient length then it’s
the right time to attack on opponent snake slither on their face. If you touches
there skin rather than their faces then you will be explode. So think before you
attack and keep slithering your snake slither. You have an equal chance to dominate
even if your snake slither size is tiny or small. You can twist or swerve your Snake
slither in front of other large slithering player to defeat them!!! Size does not
matter some times, so it’s a chance to survive against the longest the dangerous
slither snake. If you will keep slithering and keep patience then you will become
a longest slither among all of them.
You can also boost up your worm’s speed to survive against the opponent slither
snake and swerve like a worm slither. If opponent worms slithering toward you
and attack you, then they will explode and their remains will be your food, eat
your food to become the longest worm slither. Take the Challenge!!
《英雄联盟》LPL春季赛第一周最后一场比赛于本月21日打响,EDG做客重庆迎战 Snake,两队此前交手EDG均取得了胜利,然而此番EDG厂长缺阵,新人打野Haro表现发挥不佳,失误连连。而相较之下,蛇队在比赛中对大龙的正确决策主导了比赛的最终走向,最终蛇队在主场以2:0轻取EDG,拿下了自己春季赛的首场胜利。