Baby Fake Call Lady Sharkiphone版下载游戏攻略
Let started with fake call from baby shark, to make a cute chat with ladybug and baby shark prank your friends toys with a amazing call video baby shark, fake caller with shark is a simple application derectly to kids because is very cute toys live chat cat caller and chat with a smpile video call, So just choose your methode to call shark, you have 3 option to make chat cat with shark baby(calling voice , live chat, calling video ) and check your contacts toys to compos numbers of the toys hero.
If you like chat cat with baby and, Now this app fake call Mommy shark can you prank your freinds, and make a wonderful surprise to your family, it simple to used.
You have a simple Button « Contacts » can you make calling voice or live chat cato re video with many charaters toys with his number phone like ryan cat or Mommy shark mam, dady shark father…it very funny enjoy.
Fake chat and call with ladybug and Mommy shark is a simple application directed to fans do do do and all age, it very easy to used just choose your option calling and create a wonderful discussion chat cat with pepa pig with fake video calling.
How to use Fake Caller with baby shark :
1) Run the application normally
2) Choose your option to make fake call with Mommy shark
3) You have a simple calling with amazing desing for you
4) Can you use live chat cat or fake call video or calling voice
5) Simple question in live chat cat just choose your question and send it.
6) Fake Video call we are used the Camera to live chat cat Video wtih ladybug.
7) Inside chat live cat we have button Video call and Button calling.
8) Finally Choose your hero and call him.
9) Easy To used .
10) Enjoy with this application and make prank scary your friends
This app directed by "Fans" And it's not Official. If we infringe copyright, let us know and will be removed as soon as possible.
Thank You !
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