Zombie Crushers Win Money No Surveyiphone版下载游戏攻略
Get the chance to participate and win a PayPal voucher after completing Zombie Crushers - Win Money Edition.
It's totally legible and we reward players on a monthly basis after completing the game and referring people to leave comments with specific codes.
For you to be eligible, to win this gift the rules are as follows.
1. You need to complete all the levels.
2. You must gather at least 5 feedback comments on Zombie Crusher's play store page.
3. The comments should contain your unique code alongside a feedback.
4. Comments should be recent and is logged also enumerated as 1 per user.
You will automatically get notified about a possible participation.
A draw is made at the end of every month.
You will get notified about a lucky winner.
Download the game to know more.
- About -
Make the Spike ball hit the ugly zombie!
It's that simple...
or Is it?
Find out in Zombie Crushers now available for free!
Trust me you don't need the IQ of Albert Einstein to complete this game...
or do you?
战争你别无选择。《僵尸前线 Zombie Frontier》带你体验
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