Mini Skewer Tycooniphone版下载游戏攻略
Mini Skewer Tycoon by BadPenguin
Travel the world with food truck!
Get food truck from BadPenguin and start your food truck business!
Purchase local food from various cities, Upgrade your Food Truck, Open your food truck business!
Dynamic world affected by climate and weather!
Clear quest from local citizen in travelling!
Download Mini Skewer Tycoon!
★Retro style food truck tycoon game
★Making skewers with variety local foods by order
★Charming isometric pixel art styled background
★Travelling 9 cities with own culture and climate
★Weather and climate affecting gameplay
★Quest from meeting with the local citizen
凡是在星际征霸首发测试开服前在九游《星际征霸》专区给出五星好评,并截图在本楼回复即可100%获得5元代金卷,九游代金券能直接充值进入游戏哦,首充不再烦恼啦!并将随机抽取一名幸运用户,送Ipad mini,这么爽的活动哪里找呢?快快截图参与呗!
发帖起 ~ 2015年4月24日23:59
“海燕奖”首个众筹达成项目诞生! 投《超级地城之光》赢iPad mini
2015年度 “海燕奖”评选自正式开启报名以来,引起手游厂商、发行商、媒体以及玩家的极大关注。时下,“海燕奖”的投票活动正在如火如荼的进行着,盛大首款“超级手游”——《超级地城之光》,也成功入选GMIC海燕奖评选,并正式进入了投票时间。伴随着,投票活动的日益激烈,玩家的热情较前一阶段更加高涨,纷纷在社区、微信朋友圈为自己钟...
蓝港互动旗下3D MMOARPG仙侠手游巨作《蜀山战纪》御剑首测已经圆满结束,也实现了不少玩家的愿望,那么2016年各位友友的愿望是什么呢?大声说出来,说不定《蜀山战纪》会帮你实现呢!
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