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On a hot summer day
, there is nothing better than yummy icy food! Come and join Summer icy food truck in which you can enjoy tasty frozen food like snow cone, ice candy, Mock tails, frozen slushy and much more.
Beat the hot summer by eating yummy summer food. There is lots of frozen food to make in this summer food maker game. In this frozen food maker we have include six different icy food recipe just for you.
1. Frozen Slushy
Make your own virtual fruit slushy without the mess ! Here lots of different fruit flavors are available to make the frosty slushy. just add ice, sweet fruits and flavors and then blend it and add your favorite toppings, your frozen slushy will be ready within a minute.
2.Snow cone
A perfect hot summer dessert food. Make mouthwatering snow cone with different colors and different shapes. Beat the heat and be relax with this snow cone maker.
Q: Hi,冰冰小姐姐,很高兴见到你,下面希望你先给玩家们介绍一下你自己吧!
Q: 这边我能否悄悄地问一下:冰冰小姐姐一般会和朋友出去做些什么呢?
迷你世界速龙怎么繁殖 速龙驯服方式介绍。下面一起来看看吧。
答: 作为迷你世界手游中最酷的坐骑,你可以在红树林里才能找到他,而且野生恐龙生成的几率很低,驯服他需要准备大量的——烤鸡(6个烤鸡腿合成1个烤鸡) ,注意驯服难度也很大哦。