Tilt To Liveiphone版下载游戏攻略
An incredibly addicting and fun survival game in space!
Survive as much as you can while destroying the enemy forces in order to gain the highest score that you can. How far, and how long can you survive!
How to play:
- Tilt to move your ship through space.
- Tap the screen to shoot at enemy ships.
- Avoid the oncoming asteroids if you can!
- Careful, destroying enemy ships gives you points, while destroying the asteroids decreases your points!
由EA倾力制作,英雄互娱年度代理巨献,《NBA LIVE》国服安卓上线进入倒计时最后一天!极致的真操作篮球手游,高度还原正统NBA赛场氛围,800多名球星蓄势待发,《NBA LIVE》开启国服年度篮球盛宴,感受NBA赛场劲爆赛事。
在《NBA LIVE》的游戏世界中,共包含500多名现役球员和300多名退役球员,阵容之强大堪称群星云集。游戏内获取球员的方式多种多...
22年经典主机传承,全球知名游戏研发发行公司EA精心打造,上线即稳坐北美App Store总榜榜首的《NBA LIVE》移动版即将登陆中国大陆啦!
现在去专区搜索NBA LIVE然后预约《NBA LIVE》即有机会参与抽奖,而社区这边我们也准备了超超超超超超...
活动时间:2018-12-24 00:00:00 至 2018-12-25 23:59:00
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