Capture Playiphone版下载游戏攻略
Capture Play is a board game with blocks of picture. After some time the picture blocks gets shuffled.
How to play?
1. Open App and Give Permission of Camera And Storage(NOTE: Camera and storage are used to take live pictures of your own wish and use them in puzzle)
2. Select Level i.e Easy, Medium, Hard.
3. Select the initial picture with which you want to play.
4. See image throughly before it gets shuffled within 5 seconds. After that reassemble it. For help you can see the original image.
5. You can capture an image using camera and make puzzle of it.
6. You can also select an image from gallery for puzzle.
7. You can solve the puzzle by viewing an Ad by clicking on Solve Button.
2016年ChinaJoy在上海火热开启,好玩友携旗下8款王牌产品参与展会,作为今年的重点产品,女性古风定制手游《京门风月》也首次亮相CJ。在好玩友展台(E5-06-2)不仅能看见《京门风月》的场景重现,还有精心 装扮的Coser与你共同玩转CJ。之前只在游戏里呈现的风月,到现场就能亲身体会与男神女神并肩的愉快哦,男神女神都已准备好,你在哪里!
不止是风月 京门 经典场景重现
《我的世界》移动版传来了好消息,在追赶PC版的进程上又有了新的进展,目前0.15版本已经在Google Play开启了内部测试,这也预示着0.15版本即将到来。据悉,即将到来的《我的世界》移动版0.15将会是一次重大的版本更新,包括活塞、马匹、新的怪物、食物等诸多功能都将到来。