Bow and Appleiphone版下载游戏攻略
Apple shoot is a 2D shooting game.In this game you can shoot apples with arrow by using bow.And you can play until the arrows are completed.
This is the addictive game.Anyone can play this game.When the arrow hit apple then the apple splashes into pieces.
Audio is also good for this game while dragging the arrow and when the apple splashes.Graphics are more attractive.
First u have drag the arrow and aim to an apple and then you release the arrow.
When the arrow hit the apple then your score will be noticed at top.
The apple position changes randomly when you hit the apple.
When you fail to hit apple by arrows then game is over and the result score is displayed on screen.
网易游戏推出的《明日之后》一直受到玩家的密切关注,玩家十分期待这款游戏正式上线。经过漫长的等待,这款游戏终于将在11月2日上架Apple Store,一起来了解一下吧!
上周,由巨人移动带来的,基于Apple Watch平台的移动游戏《大主宰》宣布了其最新研发进度,预计将于本月底正式与玩家见面。
而本周带来的《大主宰》apple watch概念版视频,除了展现《大主宰》的新颖玩法外,还展示了《大主宰》在Apple watch版上的领先技术——为了匹配Apple watch的界面框架,Apple watch版本的《大主宰》对原始UI进行了改良,使之更贴合用户需要。...