Hy super wheels 2iphone版下载游戏攻略
Happy Super Wheels is the real physics based ragdoll action game with your hand on your phone.
Go nuts, choose your favourite happy ride wheels game vehicle and take control of your happy rider character to overcome deadly challenges.
Tap the forward button to dash, tap turn left or turn right button to rotate your happy wheels in the air .
When encountering obstacles tap stop button to decrease the speed.
All you need is timing to tap the buttons and a little fortune.
The game contains several happy characters such as a wheelchair man , apogo stick hopper, a father-son bike riding and more with different vehicles wheels,
Trying to reach the finish line, so keep your ragdoll limbs as complete as possible and reach the end flag.
Happy Super Wheels an exciting game with sadistic inclinations and black humor.
The essence of the game is extremely simple, you have to get to one of the vehicles to the finish and the problem is that not every part of your body will get along with you.
今日,韩国游戏厂商4:33公布了开发中的新作手游《Super String》手游版的5个主要角色。
《Super String》手游版是根据人气漫画《Super String》(슈퍼스트링)改编的手机游戏,由4:33的子公司FACTORIAL负责制作,将YLAB旗下多个漫画中的角色集合到一起,众多在韩国积聚人气的角色都会在本作中登场。
Animal Super Squad pc免安装中文版游戏资源下载,《Animal Super Squad》是最近整理的一款很有意思的卡通风格横版闯关类游戏,在游戏中你能够选择多种类型的动物参与挑战,有时候还需借助一些外界工具来达到意想不到的效果,关卡内包含了一些十分夸张的表现,相当的有意思,你还能够通过游戏中的评分来解锁更多有趣的东西,喜欢卡通风格横版闯关类游戏的朋友千万不要错过了,一块儿来下载...