Darts 301 501 701 World Cupiphone版下载游戏攻略
★ New Free Darts shooting game and RPG games for you!
In this sports simulation game, score points by hitting the target, getting a double or triple, will increase your score.
★ Challenge Mode: New mode with different levels and difficulties, new challenges in this game of darts.
Darts is a fun style archery game. Perfect mix of arcade and simulation, good graphics and work without problems.
Throwing Darts, Skills & Challenges, JUST DO IT!
How to play:
✔ Drag the darts to go to a place, hold the ball of energy, release to shoot.
✔ All players take turns throwing 3 darts, the highest score of the winning player.
✔ Press where you want to shoot the dart, the dart will be placed automatically. Then make a strong blow gesture and the dart hit the target.
Shooting Games, 3D Darts, Sports Games.
Become the best known player of Tour World Darts Games!
Darts World Tour Champion 2017
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