Fireflies - Owl City - Pianoiphone版下载游戏攻略
Always wanted to play your favorite song on piano but couldn't get around to do it! We are here to help with our brand new piano game!
Your favorite song is here at your fingertips, simply enjoy the game by taping on black tiles and trying to match the music beat!
It gets harder with time so pay attention!
This game is not an official app. There is no copyrighted material, everything we make is done by us including the piano music!
据悉Crowd City马上就要和大家见面了,想要第一时间了解游戏曝光消息和开测时间的小伙伴们,可以先下载九游APP,然后搜索Crowd City点击游戏最右边的“预约”按钮,这样在游戏开测时候就会及时的通知到大家了,再也不用担心错过首测了!
Gather people accross the Crowd City and crush your oppone...
千呼万唤始出来啊!Crowd City终于开测了,预约礼包激活码统统不能放过,但是,新手们是不是忘了先做功课看看攻略呢?Crowd City想要玩得好,初期是非常重要的,所以不要两眼一抹黑的乱撞,要先看看我们准备的攻略,听听老司机们的经验!
那么,去哪里找最新最全的Crowd City攻略呢?哪里的老司机最多?别着急跟着下面的步...