Nimble Strong: Drink & Cocktail Recipe Mixing Game激活码生成器游戏攻略
Ridiculously fun video game that teaches you how to mix 75+ cocktails. Strongly endorsed by The New York Times, Polygon, Engadget, and over 10,000 happy customers!
Nimble Strong: Bartender in Training is one of the most acclaimed educational games ever created. It's a full-on bartending course that doubles as a role-playing video game. It features an interactive curriculum created by a top cocktail educator (Jeffery Lindenmuth) as well as a deep story and fun game play.
Complete the game and you'll:
(1) Learn how to mix 75+ of the most influential cocktails ever created
(2) Learn foundational mixology theory
(3) Learn glassware basics, when to shake/stir/muddle, and why egg white is a staple
(4) Develop an intuitive sense of pour counts
(5) **Earn a customized, printable bartender's certificate**
(6) Have a lifelong reference (recipe book)
(7) Have a lifelong practice mode (survival mode)
(8) Open the door to a new career or learn a valuable lifelong skill to show off at parties
You'll have a blast. We've had many customers binge-play the game and complete it in one very long sitting (not recommended!). And because there are multiple story paths, it lends itself well to replay.
Most bartending courses cost $300 or more and don't have Nimble's authorship pedigree or replay-ability. Get started on learning a valuable and new lifelong skill! Buy Nimble Strong: Bartender in Training today!
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