Guess The Icon: Superhero Logo Quiz快速下载游戏攻略
Guess The Icon: Superhero Logo Quiz is a trivia game that will challenge all your knowledge about the world of superheroes. In this fun question and answer game you will find a series of iconic characters from the world of comics and movie icons.
In this icon guessing game use all your knowledge to be able to recognize the different characters along several levels.Guess the names of superheros and super villains in over 40+ different levels. You will have to use all your mind to recognize the different designs of superhero logos and icons. Levels get progressively harder as the game goes on! Use your super power words to name Batman, Black Panther, The Flash, Captain America, and superheroes and super villains in this fun free trivia game
Guess The Icon: Superhero Logo Quiz has characters from the following brands and movies:
Whats the game about?
A series of images will be exposed with the features or faces of superheroes, super villains, superhero icons and superhero logo from which you will have to guess the name. The game contains more than 40 levels full of pure fun and difficulty. In every new level new icon pop and you are faced with another icon quiz. Ger ready for a hot new icon game with new character quiz at every step.
How to play Guess The Icon: Superhero Logo Quiz?
Underneath the image, there are a series of letters with which you will have to form the name of the superhero exposed in the image, if you happen you will pass to the next level where you must guess the name of another personage. This game is fully funfunfun package with lot of learning and guessing icon fun.
Guess The Icon: Superhero Logo Quiz main features:
-Over 40+ levels!
-Name super heroes,super villains!
-Hint coins for when you get stuck!
-Play daily to receive hint coins!
-Levels with superheroes from various different superhero series!
-Challenge your friends to see who knows the most superheroes or ask them for help if
you get stuck on a level.
Everyone solves puzzles differently. In Icon Pop Quiz we offer five different ways for players to get back on track, all available through spending points earned with correct guesses. Pick up some general knowledge about the movie/TV by using “Hint”, remove incorrect letters with “Eliminate Keys”, or use the “Open Letters” to figure out the right word! If all else fails, players can always “Ask a Friend” on Facebook or Twitter, or “Reveal” the answer with accumulated points as a last resort.
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