Naughty Kids Makeover - Sweet Baby Cleanup Games快速下载游戏攻略
These little baby are so cute and naughty. They are playing on the beautiful ground with lots of toys. Could you please dress them up with nice clothes to make them happier and more lovely?
She's a naughty girl because she always puts her need for makeovers above her need to complete her work. I guess she knows beyond any measure of doubt that she will never be fired from her fairy work. Or she just figures she's doing a good job. Either way, it's scary for every one else.
When you enter into this game, you can choose your like character and select which room you want your model in. Your model is very dirty at the beginning, you have to wash her/his clothes then wash her and spa her.
It is really an amazing game and choose the tools to make a salon for your model. Too many tools for your select and you have to make your model more clean and make her/his wound recover soon. At the end, you can choose the clothes for your model.
• Choose your favorite baby from 4 sweet characters girls!
• Bathe your sweet baby girl till they are sparkling and clean!
• Dress up your favorite babies in a variety of gorgeous outfits and choose stylish fashion!
• Decorate sweet baby daycare rooms with curtains, craddles, lamps, chairs, toys and walls!
• Treat your sick babies with special tools!
• Drag the band-aid to cover sweet baby girl scratches!
• Kids friendly caring tools & babysitter activities in these kindergarten games!
• Funny Sounds!
• Messy Kids Games, Sweet Baby Cleanup Games, Naughty Kids ,Cleaning Games For Kids
Enjoy with FANTASTIC FUN !!!
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Nonstop Games最早由芬兰的开发商以GamesMadeMe为名创立,在2012年才正式更名为Nonstop Games。该工作室在2014年被King公司以3200万美元的高价收购,并拥有与《魔兽世界》相似度很高的Facebook...