World Conqueror 4快速下载游戏攻略
World Conqueror 4 is the newest-released game by EASYTECH in 2017.
We will continue to develop and create the best war strategy game.
*** More than 100 great campaigns based on history
*** Experience historical moments, such as the battle of Dunkirk, the battle of Stalingrad, the North Africa campaign and the battle of Midway Islands
*** Command your army to accomplish strategic objectives within limited time according to scenario
*** Experience [WWⅡ 1939] [WWⅡ 1943] [Cold War 1950] [Modern War 1980]
*** Select any country in the world, adjust diplomatic tactics, aid allies, and declare war on other countries
*** Adjust strategic objectives according to the battlefield, build cities, develop science and technology, and produce military units
*** Score high marks by occupying the most territories in the least amount of time, and marks will be ranked on the Google Game with other players
*** Build your army in the headquarters
*** Deploy your army on the field whether it's an exercise or a legion battle
*** The proper arrangement of troops and usage of generals is the key to victory
*** 40 challenge operations to test the limit of your commanding skill
*** Choose excellent generals to fight side by side, promote their ranks and pick the suitable skills for them
*** Wear your generals with medals you earned to improve their skills
*** Complete specific tasks in the city and trade resources with merchants
*** Build wonders of the world and unlock all kinds of landmarks
*** Study new technologies and improve the combat effectiveness of all units
*** 50 countries, 230 famous generals, 216 military units, 42 skills and 16 medals
*** More than 100 campaigns, 120 legion battles, 40 challenge battles and so on
*** 175 technologies, including army, navy, air force, missile, nuclear bomb, and space weapon
*** 30 wonders of architecture and 16 landmarks
*** 50 achievements await your challenge
*** Turn on automatic combat and AI will command your army
*** Seamless world map and available to zoom in/out
*** Conquest mode supports ranking on the Google Game
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外面的世界纪念攻略,下面就为大家详细讲Outside World Remembered图文攻略,希望这篇通关攻略对小伙伴们有所帮助。
游戏简介:《外面的世界:纪念 Outside World:Remembered》是一款益智解谜游戏。沿用了前作《外面的世界》的简洁画风。讲述的是Kyrsten在奇异的世界中迷失并且想要找到回家的路。玩家必须带领她通过奇幻的世界,解决关卡环境中所出现的谜题。感兴趣的...