Dragon Block C Mod for MCPE快速下载游戏攻略
Dragon Block C Mod (Dragon Ball Super)
Dragon Block C Mod adds many items from the Dragon Ball Z game. This mod adds new weapons, armor, dragon ball stones, ores, biomes and more.
Ki (pronounced “kee”), also known as chi or simply energy, is the force energy used by the Dragon Ball characters.
Ki “Energy” system
Now with growing Ki bar!
Ki Charge! With own Effects and Colors for different states like super
Ki Jump! More then 4 block high for now
Ascend to Super!
Use Ki to make Ki Fire (it emits light)
As Super you can Jump higher, and Fire Stronger Kamehame Wave
Now you can fly! 2 times faster if Super. (This is not Creative Fly!)
Floating in air!
Dash! 2 times faster if Super.
4 new chargeing aura effects.
KaioKen! below lvl 10 or with scouter. Above lvl 10 with saiyan hair you may go super but no kaioken.
Cool new Ki attack trials! And more!
Your punches now get stronger as you level!
New Explosions (fixes lag) now it wont drop blocks, And New Animation for the Explosion!
Ever wanted to see two ki attacks clashing? Well now you can try it with your friends!
New the Scouter!
Is implemented! (You dont need my SA Addon)
Scouters have now own intece and Sounds
4 Scouter Functions switchable by Scouter Key
It can detect other players
Sagas System
Testing Feature.
Saiyan Saga & Freeza Saga
Featuring mobs: Saibamans, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, The Ginyu Force and Freeza with 5 states
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and required mods.
Locate the minecraft application folder.
On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
《Dragon War》副本大事件—巧遇刘备
刘备刘皇叔,是根正苗红的汉室皇裔,在乱世中“结三义、斩黄巾、扶汉世、立蜀汉”是三国历史中重要人物之一,也是《三国演义》的故事主线,更是我们进入《Dragon War》游戏中第一个副本的BOSS,接下来让小编带领大家一起领略皇叔的“王霸之气”!
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