Pocket Dragon Let's Go快速下载游戏攻略
Pokimon pocket dragon Pocket ball simulator pocketgo are a diverse group of animals of the clade Dinosauria that first appeared during the Triassic period diplodocus simulator dragon Pocket ball
Now they come through the wormhole
around us. Do not worry, they are not erous monster ball Pokimon dinosuar king. They want to learn how to talk from us. Quickly go out and catch your dinosaurs go games jurassic go donosaur go.
Dinosaurs out of the ancient and now roam the streets of your city! Some of them
- Tyrannosaurus Rex, Diplodocus, Duck-billed Dragon and Flying
Pterosaur similar games donosaur go Pokimon catch dragon to pocket .
In this simulation you have to find and catch the hidden
dragon Pocket ball go games catch dragon Pocket ball in the real world with the help of radar and camera artphone.
Move on city streets, parks and squares, even inside buildings and with the
help of the radar is disguised dragon Pocket ball vicinity games free .
Use the powerball catch
discovered the dinosaurs go Pokimon catch games catch dragin vicinity games free, so he gets to your phone. Collect them all in
your collection.
How to play:
Go out of the house, looking for bubbles to take the circle.
Near the circle, so that dragon come out.
Use the powerballs to collect dragons.
Find the windmill building to get more powerballs.
- Augmented Reality Game
- Excellent graphics
- Very good sounds
- Less wear batteryù
- Easy to use
- Very funny
- Ideal for the younger children.The dinosaurs also appear inside indoors
- Totally free Dragon GO uses augmented reality technology, and requires you to move
around to find dinosaurs.
Now go out for find and catch your Dragon !"
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