Ben the Hero - Time for Adventure快速下载游戏攻略
Psyphon and his Evil Alien Crew are attempting to wreck Undertown! To secure the city, Ben 10 must explore a huge number of perils while gathering enough quality to battle Psyphon's partners in crime close by to-hand battle. Utilize the Omnitrix to change into your most loved outsiders and increment their capacity with Omniboxes. Would you be able to enable Ben 10 to crush Psyphon and spare Undertown?
★ Avoid bombs, rockets and different threats!
★ Collect ten Omnitrix control and rewards as you go!
★ Fight 12 fiendish outsiders in wild supervisor fights!
★ Use the Omnitrix to change into ten ground-breaking outsiders!
★ Unlock ten new outsider changes by gathering Omniboxes!
Prevent Psyphon from obliterating Undertown! The wickedness Psyphon has planted hazardous gadgets all through the city and is debilitating to explode them. Ben's 10 central goal is to discover and deactivate the majority of the gadgets as fast as could be expected under the circumstances. Rook, Ben's new accomplice, will go along with him on this new experience. Help Ben 10 vanquish Psyphon and his soldiers of fortune and spare Undertown!
★ Battle Psyphon and four distinct kinds of soldiers of fortune!
★ Collect maps to enable you to explore 3 Undertown neighborhoods.
★ Use the Omnitrix to change into Bloxx, Cannonbolt, Feedback and Shocksquatch.
★ Each shape has exceptional forces you should outfit to achieve your central goal.
★ Enhance your forces by scoring focuses!
动漫、游戏不分家,成功的动漫一定有为它量身定制的游戏,《Ben 10》系列也不例外。
安卓游戏《Ben 10 终极英雄: Xenodrome》既是动漫《Ben 10》迷的翘首以盼之作,又是游戏玩家了解这部
经典动漫的好机会。《Ben 10》系列为
美国时代华纳公司旗下Cartoon Network Studios于2005年推出的电视
动画,《Ben 10 终极英雄》则是该...