Apartment 302 Virtual Reality快速下载游戏攻略
Apartment 302 is a virtual reality experience which takes you inside Henry Townshend's living room from the iconic horror game.
Step inside apartment 302 for the first time in virtual reality mode and have a look around the kitchen and living room as if you were actually there. Put on a nice song, sit on the couch and relax.
This VR experience is meant to be played using a regular Google Cardboard headset. You only need one button to walk around the room and interact with objects. For Google Cardboard it's either the old magnet trigger or the new touch trigger.
As of today you can interact with the stereo system to switch between 3 songs. You can also sit on the living room couch.
There are currently no hauntings present, but this could change in the future. Right now it's just a simple VR experience for fans of the original game.
All music, 3D models and graphics used in this app belong to Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
I do not take any credit on their work. I have only put the (unmodified) assets together in a different and unique way to create this fan-art type virtual reality experience. I make no profit from this and it's simply meant to be a fun non-commercial experiment.
Here's what Konami has to say about this (Konami C.O.D.E article no. 1458)
Can I use KONAMI copyrighted materials for non-commercial purposes?
Generally, Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. does not object to fans using copyrighted materials for non-commercial purposes, and in a manner which does not intentionally spoil the plot of a game for other players.
By "non-commercial" we mean that you cannot use our copyrighted material to promote a product you are selling or making any profit from, like wallpapers, t-shirts, skins for electronic devices, etc. nor can you use it to monetise a website or a media channel.
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新服说明:08月16日 10:00大唐302服