British Offensive: 2nd Battle of El Alamein (free)快速下载_九游手机游戏
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British Offensive: 2nd Battle of El Alamein (free)快速下载
British Offensive: 2nd Battle of El Alamein (free)快速下载
British Offensive: 2nd Battle of El Alamein (free)快速下载
British Offensive: 2nd Battle of El Alamein (free)快速下载游戏攻略
Free turn-limited version of the Second Battle of El Alamein: British Offensive to destroy Axis forces in North Africa. Historical background: In the summer of 1942 Axis forces operating in North Africa ran out of steam in front of El Alamein while trying to advance into Egypt and seize control of Suez Canal. Lacking fuel due to overstretched supply lines and Allied control of Mediterranean sea, the only thing Germans and Italians could do was to dug in and brace themselves for the British offensive. Commander of the British 8th Army, Montgomery, resisted calls from impatient Churchill to attack immediately, and instead kept stockpiling resources to launch an overpowering offensive to crush Axis forces once and for all. Montgomery knew that the limited fuel meant that Axis forces could not do any grand back-and-forth maneuvering, and as a result, if British could push through the rigid Axis defense line and handle the one defensive armored Axis counter-strike, British forces could advance along the coastal road and cause the total collapse of Axis position in North Africa, securing the Mediterranean for the Allies. FEATURES: + Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup. + Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smart AI technology, each game provides a unique war gaming experience. + Multi-layered AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towards the target, the AI opponent balances between strategic goals and smaller tasks like encircling nearby units. + Settings: Various options are available to alter the look of the gaming experience: Change difficulty level, hexagon size, Animation speed, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, Square, block of houses), decide what is drawn on the map, and much more. In order to be a victorious commander, you must learn to coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units give support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to use brute force when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut off its supply lines instead. Full version available as a separate app. Privacy Policy (full text on website and app menu): No account creation is possible, the made-up username used in the Hall of Fame listings is not tied to any account and does not have password. Location, personal, or device identifier data is not used in any way. In the case of crash the following non-personal data is sent (vie web-form using ACRA library) to allow quick fix: Stack trace (code which failed), Name of the App, Version number of the App, and Version number of the Android OS. The app only requests the permissions it needs to function. Join your fellow board game generals in changing the course of this classic WWII scenario. Conflict-Series by Joni Nuutinen has offered highly rated Android-only strategy board games since 2011, and even the first scenarios are still actively updated. The campaigns are based on the time-tested gaming mechanics TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiar with from both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletop board games. I want to thank the fans for all the well thought-out suggestions over the years which have allowed these campaigns to improve at a much higher rate than what any solo indie developer could dream of. If you have feedback about this board game series please use email, this way we can have a constructive back and forth chat without the limits of the store's comment system. In addition, because I have huge number of projects on multiple stores, it’s just not sensible to spend handful of hours each day going through hundreds of pages spread all over the Internet to see if there is a question somewhere -- just send me an email and I will get back to you. Thanks for understanding!
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《British Offensive: 2nd Battle of El Alamein (free)快速下载》下载版本说明
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