Feel Relaxed In Two Mins - Time Simulator快速下载游戏攻略
Use Time Simulator to feel the slowness of time.
Be relaxed, calm and composed at any situation or time of the day. Keep Time Simulator app handy with you.
Use Time Simulator when you get in a hurry.
Time simulator makes you feel like you have enough time at any point of life.
It can make even one hour feel like forever.
The unique blend of a simple idea and icons that seamlessly harmonize with the app design, creates a beautiful visualisation of the flow of time.
What's the point of Time Simulator app?
Ans: The point is, time moves slower than you think.
Time Simulator is the first of its kind app in the Play Store. (Check the release date and be sure you are downloading the original Time Simulator app). It's fresh and it's a new app!
Download and take a soothing ride of time. Use Time Simulator to feel cool, calm and collected in any situation.
-Free forever, because best things are for everyone.
-Visualise the speed of time in different units.
-Watch the speed of average human heartbeat rate i.e visualise 72 beats per minute.
-Choose from the seven options to simulate 1 hr, 1 minute, 20 minutes, 1 second, 12 hrs, 2 hrs or 4 hrs.
-Reload the simulator.
-In the next app update- Ambient background music to set your mood and calm you down.
*Use cases:
Use time simulator and feel relaxed in just two minutes after
-heavy workouts,
-long time game playing,
-longer study durations,
-Before going to sleep,
-At the start of the day, etc.
*Time simulator makes you feel like you have unlimited time ahead and thus set your mood relaxed.
-requires internet
-Mobile having 5' or more screen size.
-Octa core processor.
-At least 2gb ram.
We created Time Simulator app so that you benefit from it endlessly.
Our aim is to give you an unique new experience.
Time Simulator is a completely free app without any paid version. Making money is not our motive, but you can support us by sharing the app with the people you care about.
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