Divinity Defense: Dungeon Edition VR快速下载游戏攻略
Are you ready for a real tower defense game in virtual reality? New VR game Divinity Defence will take you to a new virtual world. Travel virtual reality without leaving your room.
Divinity Tower Defence game is a TD VR game where you defend your castle by building towers alongside the paths of your enemies. Also, you can smash your enemies forces with your hands or burn them down while they are trying to attack your castle. Don’t forget to collect coins. Tower defense games have never been so immersive. This TD VR game allows you to control everything. Don’t be an observer, interact!
You can play this VR game using VicoVR Full Body Motion Controller if you want to smash enemies with your hands. Or you can play it like any other cardboard game in any virtual reality headset you like.
We recommend playing this game with VicoVR Controller to move your whole body in virtual worlds. More info here: https://vicovr.com
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《地牢宝藏Dungeon Gems》是Gameloft推出的一款将地下城与消除游戏结合起来的RPG新作,游戏内搭载了卡牌的进化养成系统,玩家将以构成最强卡组来消灭BOSS为目标。其最新预告片震撼曝光,快来一睹眼瘾。
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