Ice Slush Cold Drink Maker Kids Cooking Game快速下载游戏攻略
Hello kids! hot summer is on its peak lets do something interesting lets learn how to make frozen ice slushy – kids’ favorite cold drink this season. Junior games studio proudly presents the new Ice Slush frozen drink maker, a perfect learning app for girls and little kids. Be star young chef Ice Cream Maker in your own kitchen.
Lets Go Kids! Ice Slush cooking is fun and easy if you follow the steps in this girls game. choose all the ice slush making ingredients. Then slice your favorite fruits and extract juice blend with frozen ice to create & serve yummy frozen cold drinks.
Chill the ice slushy and pour from ice slush machine for serving them in funky cups. Decorate your slushy cold drink with DIY rainbow colored sweet syrups & flavorings. Dressup, Decorate & personalize your ice cream slush with various straws and cups, edible glitters, sweet syrups, fruits slices, candies and sprinkles. There is no limit on your imagination. Fulfill all your cooking dreams and dressup the frozen food as you want!
Brrrrrr!!! Slurp! Slurp! Take big sips to drink your own sweet yummy frozen ice cream.
Ice Slush Cold Drink Maker Features
• Kids learn how to make ice slush in their own kitchen
• Free Fruit flavors and rainbow colored syrups to choose from
• Freezing and pouring from Ice Slush machine
• Decorate & dressup Ice slush at different levels with colorful fun faces, stickers, straws, fruits, candies, wafers & serve
• Explore your creativity change vibrant backgrounds and themes
• Take photos of your decorated frozen slushy and share with friends and family
• Ice Slush Drinking with straw sips.
Junior games Ice Slush Maker is a free educational and creative game for kids and girls who love cooking games & Frozen Foods in summer.
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