D&D Player Companion Character Sheet & Dice App快速下载游戏攻略
The D&D Player Companion is a great substitute for old-fashioned pen & paper, optimised for the table-top role-playing game, D&D 5th Edition. It has everything a player needs to keep track in-game, with a Character Sheet and Dice Roller.
Dice Roller
- Roll a single die or multiple dice easily in the Dice section.
- Up to ten customizable presets allow even quicker rolling of dice combinations.
- Need 2d6 + 1d8 + modifier? No problem.
Character Sheet
- No more pen and paper!
- Store character stats for many different characters with the built-in character sheets.
- Long and short rest buttons allow easy tracking of HP and Hit Dice.
More features coming soon!
最近,在的采访中,DICE的技术总监Christian Holmquist谈到了《战地5》的光线跟踪。并对该游戏的优化有着极大的信心,承诺开启RTX的效果也能保持60帧。
虽然光线追踪的性能表现目前有点令人担忧,但DICE认为,他们能够在1920 x 1080的分辨率下,达到60fps的水平。然而,在游戏的某些场景中,开发人员会人为调低光线跟踪的效果,以抑制性能表现的下降。
大富翁类手游《Game of Dice》在国服将即,宣布国服正式定名为《富翁时代》而这款游戏也将会在8月31日上架全平台,同时还有韩国明星PSY鸟叔和Running Man成员李光洙倾情加入,这款创新型手游又会有哪些好玩的东西呢?
早在《战地1(Battlefield 1)》发售之前,就有消息称《战地》系列游戏或将进军电竞领域,对此EA和开发商DICE并没有表态。由于《战地》系列游戏本身主打64人超大规模的多人对战,作为电竞游戏显然有些牵强,然而事实却狠狠给了你一巴掌,EA竟然真的要开展《战地》系列电竞赛事。
面对目前电竞行业的飞速发展,《战地》系列的开发商EA DICE显然是不愿落后于潮流。近日,其在官网上正式挂出...