Our puzzles are not what they appear to be.
Go beyond what you THINK you see and EXPAND your mind.
Point your phone onto a flat service and try the AR mode to bring puzzles to life.
Game Features:
- Simple and easy to learn puzzle game
- Creative visual graphics
- Dual game mode - regular and AR
- Achievements and rankings in the Game center
《The Otherside快速下载》下载版本说明
《The Otherside快速下载》相信所有玩手游的朋友们都经常下载The Otherside,下载的速度也首当其冲是我们关心的重要问题,快速下载顾名思义就是加快网络下载The Otherside速度,满足玩家们快速下载游戏的需求。它能让大家更快的对下载资源进行体验,节省玩家时间。想体验超快速的游戏下载,推荐The Otherside,试试下载速度吧。